Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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D November 24 to December 7, 2010 via a link on the Portal Group will be able to renew the Board of Uni.CA
L ' friend and colleague David Zecca (Uni.CA Councillor elected by Credit UGL) considers it is time to fold and has been identified in natural substitute Antonio Toto. Young but already with several years of union experience as RSA and a member of the Coordination of UBP in Cologno Monzese (MI), Toto has the right grit and determination to hold the office and face the adventure.
"I leave to my colleague that happen to me the task of carrying forward what has always been for me the end of this" instrument "or : to succeed in a case of self-care management, and unconstrained to hedging contracts with the "alligators" of insurance companies, you can handle everything by herself and then succeed at the same time, because in the end it all boils down to this, to give to colleagues and their families a coverage satisfactory to the true and only major problem of our life: health "
These are the words of those who leave to which we express our gratitude for the commitment, professionalism and competence during the its mandate.
We are confident that David will not want to miss his contribution to Antonio in this task.
The call is promote unity and vote for the list you find on the unit communicated

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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The new system of garbage collection, the result of technology developed in Sweden , uses a network of underground pipes and powerful exhaust fans to direct the waste solid collection of the vents located along the streets or in apartment buildings up to special storage facilities. The principle is quite similar to that of the old pneumatic tube used in offices to send documents from one floor to another before the advent of e-mail.
users simply put their own waste, opportunamente differenziati, nelle varie colonnine sistemate lungo le strade che finiscono in condotte a 2.5 metri sotto terra: a intervalli di tempo regolari si attiva il sistema di aspirazione che mette in pressione l’intera rete di tubi di 50 cm di diametro e risucchia l’immondizia verso il centro di stoccaggio a una velocità di circa 70 km all’ora. Qui i rifiuti vengono raccolti in container sigillati che saranno prelevati dai camion e trasportati agli impianti di smaltimento. La distanza massima tra le bocchette di immissione e la centrale di raccolta è di due chilometri: ciò significa che il sistema pneumatico può essere impiegato a livello di quartiere o di singola zona residenziale. Speciali filtri a carboni attivi provvedono a eliminare dust and odors from the air before returning to the environment. The analysis of the pneumatic garbage collection confirm that the system is effective, economical and environmentally friendly.
costs are lower by 15-20% compared to traditional management. The patented by Envac maximizes the collection (though you can only paper, plastic and undifferentiated) and prevents the exit of the trucks for the collection and sorting of waste. In addition, the presence on the territory of very congested bins, toilets and do not need to be emptied.
Hammarby Siostad is the neighborhood Swedish environmental paradise. "Sjöstad, which literally means" water town "owes its name not only to be done on the lake that bathes the Swedish capital, but also because water is its main energy source. The most fascinating aspect Hammarby Sjöstad, in fact, is the incredible effort to minimize environmental impact and make the area self-sufficient in energy thanks to the use of clean, renewable sources. Biomass, biogas, solar, hydrogen power plant hydropower to provide over 8000 flats almost total coverage of energy needs. When work will be completed in 2012, Hammarby Sjöstad host 20 000 inhabitants and 10 000 other people will go there every day to work in the business, covering an area of \u200b\u200b200 thousand square meters. But the real peculiarity of this new district is represented by the recycling system set up to convert any waste produced by residents in clean energy, ready to use. All domestic sewage are transported in huge tanks underground where, through appropriate treatment, biogas slurry formed immediately re-used in the kitchens of the same buildings, while the solid residues are then harvested and processed into fertilizer. Half of the apartments are equipped with this Sjöstad Hammarby type of gas cookers. Even the waste, properly separated, are collected in huge underground tanks emptied by suction and sent for recycling (thus avoiding unsightly bins and minimizing the costs of collection). The non-recyclable waste are transported to the local incinerator. Their combustion produces heat sufficient to cover 47% of home heating. The remaining 50% comes from the combustion of organic olive oil (16%) and energy produced from sewage water (34%). The electricity comes from solar panels instead placed on the roofs of buildings, able to ensure the lighting of the common areas and half of the hot water needs for domestic use. Hammarby Sjöstad has a short closed-loop recycling system, in which the people "contribute" up to 50 percent of the energy needed by producing waste, mind the remaining 50 percent comes from other clean sources: solar panels, power and water wind.

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Fabio Verelli
Rome, November 22 - (Adnkronos) -''E ' unacceptable interruption of the negotiations on the Solidarity Fund', a gesture that represents a show of force against the workers of the bankers.''
was stated in a note and 'Fabio Verelli, national secretary Ugl Credit, which calls a''step backward''by ABI.
The UGL Credit, said the union,''will fire 'to the category defend a vision of the banks turned to the only advantage of top management and shareholders. In the context of a financial crisis caused even by the bankers, not 'thinkable attend such a blow on responsibility' social business.''
the eve of the expiry of the contract, he concludes, ''Our union is committed to ensuring a path as' possible agreed with the social partners.''

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A recent World Bank report on global megacities insists That When It Comes to spurring Economic Growth, denser is better: "To try to spread out Economic activity," the report Argüeso, is to snuff it. Historian Peter Hall Seems to be speaking for a whole generation of urbanists When He Argüeso That We are on the cusp of a "coming golden age" of great cities.
The only problem is, these predictions may not be accurate. Yes, the percentage of people living in cities is clearly growing. In 1975, Tokyo was the largest city in the world, with over 26 million residents, and there were only two other cities worldwide with more than 10 million residents. By 2025, the U.N. projects that there may be 27 cities of that size. The proportion of the world's population living in cities, which has already shot up from 14 percent in 1900 to about 50 percent in 2008, could be 70 percent by 2050. But here's what the boosters don't tell you: It's far less clear whether the extreme centralization and concentration advocated by these new urban utopians is inevitable -- and it's not at all clear that it's desirable. Not all Global Cities are created equal. We can hope the developing-world metropolises of the future will look a lot like the developed-world cities of today, just much, much larger -- but that's not likely to be the case. Today's Third World megacities face basic challenges in feeding their people, getting them to and from work, and maintaining a minimum level of health. In some, like Mumbai, life expectancy is now at least seven years less than the country as a whole. And many of the world's largest advanced cities are nestled in relatively declining economies -- London, Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo. All suffer growing income inequality and outward migration of middle-class families. Even in the best of circumstances, the new age of the megacity might well be an era of unparalleled human congestion and gross inequality.
Perhaps we need to consider another approach. As unfashionable as it might sound, what if we thought less about the benefits of urban density and more about the many possibilities for proliferating more human-scaled urban centers; what if healthy growth turns out to be best achieved through dispersion, not concentration? Instead of overcrowded cities rimmed by hellish new slums, imagine a world filled with vibrant smaller cities, suburbs, and towns: Which do you think is likelier to produce a higher quality of life, a cleaner environment, and a lifestyle conducive to creative thinking?
So how do we get there? First, we need to dismantle some common urban legends. ( by Joel Kotkin - more ...)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Rome, November 16 - (Adnkronos / Labitalia) - Eight initials together to renew the contract workers of credit, which expires on December 31 next . Dircredito, Fabi, FIBA \u200b\u200bCISL, CGIL Fisac, Silcea, Sinfub, Ugl Uilca and have in fact annunicato the initiation of a "Path unit to prepare the platform of demands for the renewal

National Credit Agreement, which expires, scheduled for next December 31, and 'was formally declared by the cancellation ; with ABI September 24, 2010. " The category of banks is confirmed as 'among the most' together c hiede that the new contract provides "concrete answers in terms of pay and normative expectations of workers and the right of workers to see recognized the commitment and professionalism ' they operate every day. "

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lohri Invitation Text


On November 8, 2010 UGL credit unions, CGIL Fisac , Fiba Cisl Fabi and held an assembly of workers and employees of governmental structures and branches of the new perimeter Unicredit Spa in Palermo, at the premises of the former CRAL BDS Cerda via 24.
The assembly held in the presence of a large audience, and has developed The recent agreement of reorganization called ONE4C of 18 October last of the three retail banks Banco di Sicilia, Banca di Roma, UniCredit Bank and societies Ucifin, UCCB, Ucpb , UCI in a single organization. To the credit Ugl
participated Peter Agrillo component of the national delegation Unicredit Group UniCredit Territorial Coordinator Virzi and Philip Palermo, which have stated that "in such an agreement the group has confirmed il proprio impegno su quanto auspicavamo, un buon bilanciamento tra uscite, rilancio dell’occupazione e tutele per chi è in servizio".

Monday, November 1, 2010

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Filippo Virzì
E’ stato nominato Filippo Virzì nuovo Coordinatore Territoriale di Palermo e provincia dell'Ugl credito all'interno della nuova realtà bancaria  Unicredit .
“La scelta è ricaduta su Virzì, in quanto dettata dall'esigenza di avere un dirigente sindacale di provata esperienza idoneo ad affrontare il nuovo asset aziendale dell'istituto”.
This was stated in a note is Peter Agrillo Ugl National Credit Manager.