The elections of October 24 set up the first real Community of Valley Valsugana and Tesino. No surprise. Although the expectations, and our part as citizens, they wanted a change of course for our valley, which unfortunately has not happened.
All of us, the candidate list of civic and Valsugana Tesino would like to thank expressing sincere gratitude to those who have decided to support us during the election day by casting their votes: 2,165, thanks! Special gratitude also goes to all the people who believe our strong belief in this project gave us confidence from the outset, supporting hard during the whole process of electioneering. Their work was really so valuable that we have achieved a significant victory, the third most voted list in our community, giving due recognition to hard work and the difficulties that a spontaneous and unorganized group meets when he takes a path of this type. The candidates have united people trying to realize this idea in many minds with passion and commitment and wished to propose an alternative scenario politico-administrative della valle. La nostra lista sarà presente in Assemblea con 5 candidati che dimostrano impegno nella volontà di cambiamento dei cittadini.
I nostri obiettivi non rimarranno stampati sui volantini che abbiamo distribuito in questo periodo; crediamo fermamente nell’impegno di contribuire al miglioramento di cui abbiamo bisogno e che tutti i candidati, indipendentemente dalle liste, hanno promesso alla gente.
Il lavoro da fare sarà tanto: saremo impegnati con responsabilità sul territorio, comunicando, come ci siamo proposti, con le realtà economiche, sociali e istituzionali che ci appartengono perché nonostante il ruolo "minority" can contribute to the advancement of equal dignity and Tesino Valsugana.
share projects that we deem acceptable, but we will firm opposition when need be, insist the new president and will strive to work hard to build a community of the valley focused on "doing" to cooperate for the good of the 21 municipalities something concrete that can be recognized and shared by all.
In closing remember that our blog at:
continue to maintain that spirit of information that characterized him since he was born and now become the voice of criticism and transparent information on the work and initiatives of those who govern the community. Stay tuned and we are always ready for suggestions, comments and requests.
Thanks again to everyone for the milestone.
We will always be people among the people.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sony Network Camera Snc-m1¨
Designed by Pelli as entirely pedestrian district, the project was born around a "podium", a square of 100 meters in diameter raised six feet above street level.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba pedestrian by the extraordinary size arose from the need to create a business continuity plan tra il parco e la cittadella della moda: un’area pedonale circondata da negozi ed uffici, ed una strada che passa sotto la piattaforma.
Sotto il podio saranno realizzati in project financing anche dei parcheggi per una superficie di oltre 40mila metri quadrati.
Attorno al “Podio” sorgeranno palazzi ecosostenibili in vetro e ferro tra i quali il più alto raggiungerà i 145 metri (oltre 200 metri l'altezza considerando anche l'antenna), con residenze e uffici, nonché spazi dedicati alla moda, alla creatività, alla comunicazione e alla produzione. Un grande albergo con 300 camere chiuderà la piazza sulla quale si affacceranno ristoranti, cafes, shops, places for culture and music. Also to produce bio-architecture of the hotel will be the guiding principle: the most recent studies will be applied in the field of energy efficiency, materials innovation and environmental sustainability. The natural energies will be fully exploited both for heating and cooling environments and for their illumination.
Status: Under Construction
Name: Garibaldi Tower
Cesar Pelli Architect: Cesar Pelli
Year: 2011
Use: Commercial
Floors: 35 Height
Roof: 139 m
Total Height: 219.4 m
Location: Viale Don Luigi Sturzo
Usable area: 25,000 mq

Designed by Pelli as entirely pedestrian district, the project was born around a "podium", a square of 100 meters in diameter raised six feet above street level.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba pedestrian by the extraordinary size arose from the need to create a business continuity plan tra il parco e la cittadella della moda: un’area pedonale circondata da negozi ed uffici, ed una strada che passa sotto la piattaforma.
Sotto il podio saranno realizzati in project financing anche dei parcheggi per una superficie di oltre 40mila metri quadrati.
Attorno al “Podio” sorgeranno palazzi ecosostenibili in vetro e ferro tra i quali il più alto raggiungerà i 145 metri (oltre 200 metri l'altezza considerando anche l'antenna), con residenze e uffici, nonché spazi dedicati alla moda, alla creatività, alla comunicazione e alla produzione. Un grande albergo con 300 camere chiuderà la piazza sulla quale si affacceranno ristoranti, cafes, shops, places for culture and music. Also to produce bio-architecture of the hotel will be the guiding principle: the most recent studies will be applied in the field of energy efficiency, materials innovation and environmental sustainability. The natural energies will be fully exploited both for heating and cooling environments and for their illumination.
Status: Under Construction
Name: Garibaldi Tower
Cesar Pelli Architect: Cesar Pelli
Year: 2011
Use: Commercial
Floors: 35 Height
Roof: 139 m
Total Height: 219.4 m
Location: Viale Don Luigi Sturzo
Usable area: 25,000 mq
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Symtoms Of Liver Toxity
![]() |
Franco Fasola - Marco Belluardo - Filippo Marino Virzì Frac - Antonino Miceli |
On 27 / 10/2010 A meeting was held between the delegation and President of Development Ugl Italy Sicily Dr. Marco Belluardo.
Ugl The delegation, composed of the Provincial Secretary Ugl Loan Palermo Filippo Virzi, the Head of Corporate Auditors Development Sicily Italy Franco Marino, Antonino Miceli from provincial leaders and the Head Structure Ugl Franco Sicilia Fasola, welcomed the appointment of new management and uspicato the start of a new era in industrial relations in the name of a practical cooperation.
Representation Ugl asked the company to establish a career path for all employees that enhances the human resources whose motivation is essential to achieving any business objective, which guarantees equal opportunities and is characterized on the merits.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mary L Couture Dress From Zoey 101
turnout of 30.04%
22:00 pm
turnout of 50.17%
go to: Affluence divided into municipalities
turnout of 30.04%
22:00 pm
turnout of 50.17%
go to: Affluence divided into municipalities
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Using Space Bags When Flying
Video Lista Civica Valsugana e Tesino
This and other interventions on the "VIDEO"
This and other interventions on the "VIDEO"
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Remote Car Starter Columbus Ohio
Almeno 7 buone, anzi OTTIME, ragioni per votare per NOI!
Why the valley community is not the draft of the district, but a public entity to be made to serve the community and the people
Why i partiti in Valsugana hanno fallito, essendo fortemente condizionati dalla politica provinciale
Perché noi candidati siamo gente tra la gente, liberi di pensare , liberi di agire , liberi di fare fuori da ogni influenza e da ogni logica legata al potere
Perché la new valley community will be instrumental for the future socio-economic and Valsugana Tesino this will grow and our your ideas, not the will of the politicians who are in Trento
Why i partiti in Valsugana hanno fallito, essendo fortemente condizionati dalla politica provinciale
Perché noi candidati siamo gente tra la gente, liberi di pensare , liberi di agire , liberi di fare fuori da ogni influenza e da ogni logica legata al potere
Perché la new valley community will be instrumental for the future socio-economic and Valsugana Tesino this will grow and our your ideas, not the will of the politicians who are in Trento
Why we provide all our experience with the capabilities and skills, driven by great enthusiasm and passion for our people and our territory
Why want to deliver in five years our children a better future of our present
Why is time to CHANGE!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Mysore Mallige Chetna Prithvi
COMMUNITY 'IN THE VALLEY: For Valsugana Tesino and the result is a choice to vote
that appears now "bound and designed" from the old political classes. The
lists of PD, and UPT PATT occur together (three out of six total) with a single candidate
President, as if to say: " from here you do not pass! "
When I saw this" holy alliance "after reading the papers last
how many months there have been squabbles of party in the preparation of listings
Valsugana, I could not help but remember the CAF of
eighties (Craxi, Andreotti, Forlani), the political agreement for national
seats of Government (E. Scalfari called a "system agreement"), born with
shortness of breath, and then led to political epilogue of the "First Republic" and
Even for the common future of the Valley three parties representing the political
prefer Trent Central do not take chances, avoid running with
own ideas and proposals, avoiding the competition and comparison among them,
strong alliance with three, sure to win. Then we will see the usual division of
And people Valsugana Tesino and how you react to this?
Asseconderà parties "strong" that rely heavily on those who vote anyway
for "habit" the party, and those who are fed up and disillusioned with politics
not vote for anyone?
I wonder if people "stove and disappointed" by the political squabbles (
the majority apparently heard comments in the countries, companies,
in bars and on the street) you realize that can now beat the
policy "old" and give a strong signal of renewal .
Valsugana and Tesino now have an historic opportunity to give a signal
strong, punishing the "old political class" that has produced a situation
of "Lost Valley" and puntare su un rinnovamento reale, LIBERO da
vincoli politici , pronto a lavorare con passione per questo nostro territorio.
La gente che vuole un cambiamento deve andare al voto e scegliere una
alternativa diversa dal tri-partito. La lista Civica VALSUGANA e TESINO è una
alternativa di persone libere e capaci di idee ed impegno nuovi.
La gente della Valsugana e Tesino può alzare la testa e decidere!
Potrà CAMBIARE DAVVERO i suoi amministratori per un nuovo futuro
della Valsugana.
Oppure sceglierà di piegarsi e subire i vecchi giochi di partito?
Fabio Ognibeni – Candidato della lista VALSUGANA E TESINO
COMMUNITY 'IN THE VALLEY: For Valsugana Tesino and the result is a choice to vote
that appears now "bound and designed" from the old political classes. The
lists of PD, and UPT PATT occur together (three out of six total) with a single candidate
President, as if to say: " from here you do not pass! "
When I saw this" holy alliance "after reading the papers last
how many months there have been squabbles of party in the preparation of listings
Valsugana, I could not help but remember the CAF of
eighties (Craxi, Andreotti, Forlani), the political agreement for national
seats of Government (E. Scalfari called a "system agreement"), born with
shortness of breath, and then led to political epilogue of the "First Republic" and
Even for the common future of the Valley three parties representing the political
prefer Trent Central do not take chances, avoid running with
own ideas and proposals, avoiding the competition and comparison among them,
strong alliance with three, sure to win. Then we will see the usual division of
And people Valsugana Tesino and how you react to this?
Asseconderà parties "strong" that rely heavily on those who vote anyway
for "habit" the party, and those who are fed up and disillusioned with politics
not vote for anyone?
I wonder if people "stove and disappointed" by the political squabbles (
the majority apparently heard comments in the countries, companies,
in bars and on the street) you realize that can now beat the
policy "old" and give a strong signal of renewal .
Valsugana and Tesino now have an historic opportunity to give a signal
strong, punishing the "old political class" that has produced a situation
of "Lost Valley" and puntare su un rinnovamento reale, LIBERO da
vincoli politici , pronto a lavorare con passione per questo nostro territorio.
La gente che vuole un cambiamento deve andare al voto e scegliere una
alternativa diversa dal tri-partito. La lista Civica VALSUGANA e TESINO è una
alternativa di persone libere e capaci di idee ed impegno nuovi.
La gente della Valsugana e Tesino può alzare la testa e decidere!
Potrà CAMBIARE DAVVERO i suoi amministratori per un nuovo futuro
della Valsugana.
Oppure sceglierà di piegarsi e subire i vecchi giochi di partito?
Fabio Ognibeni – Candidato della lista VALSUGANA E TESINO
Friday, October 1, 2010
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