The elections of October 24 set up the first real Community of Valley Valsugana and Tesino. No surprise. Although the expectations, and our part as citizens, they wanted a change of course for our valley, which unfortunately has not happened.
All of us, the candidate list of civic and Valsugana Tesino would like to thank expressing sincere gratitude to those who have decided to support us during the election day by casting their votes: 2,165, thanks! Special gratitude also goes to all the people who believe our strong belief in this project gave us confidence from the outset, supporting hard during the whole process of electioneering. Their work was really so valuable that we have achieved a significant victory, the third most voted list in our community, giving due recognition to hard work and the difficulties that a spontaneous and unorganized group meets when he takes a path of this type. The candidates have united people trying to realize this idea in many minds with passion and commitment and wished to propose an alternative scenario politico-administrative della valle. La nostra lista sarà presente in Assemblea con 5 candidati che dimostrano impegno nella volontà di cambiamento dei cittadini.
I nostri obiettivi non rimarranno stampati sui volantini che abbiamo distribuito in questo periodo; crediamo fermamente nell’impegno di contribuire al miglioramento di cui abbiamo bisogno e che tutti i candidati, indipendentemente dalle liste, hanno promesso alla gente.
Il lavoro da fare sarà tanto: saremo impegnati con responsabilità sul territorio, comunicando, come ci siamo proposti, con le realtà economiche, sociali e istituzionali che ci appartengono perché nonostante il ruolo "minority" can contribute to the advancement of equal dignity and Tesino Valsugana.
share projects that we deem acceptable, but we will firm opposition when need be, insist the new president and will strive to work hard to build a community of the valley focused on "doing" to cooperate for the good of the 21 municipalities something concrete that can be recognized and shared by all.
In closing remember that our blog at:
continue to maintain that spirit of information that characterized him since he was born and now become the voice of criticism and transparent information on the work and initiatives of those who govern the community. Stay tuned and we are always ready for suggestions, comments and requests.
Thanks again to everyone for the milestone.
We will always be people among the people.
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