Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Italy still does not meet the standards set by the European Union, so that emissions of PM10 are still too high compared to limits. For this reason it will be judged by the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, together with Cyprus, Portugal and Spain. A reminder from the last six months provided for in the infringement proceedings, the European Commission has now decided to request the intervention of the Court, sanctions for defaulting Member States.

The first warning from the European Commission to Italy, by a letter of formal notice, dates back to early 2009, shortly after the entry into force of the last European directive on air quality. Directive 2008/50/EC (in force since June 18, 2008) required EU countries to limit the exposure of citizens to the fine, insisting the annual maximum concentration values \u200b\u200b(40 micrograms per cubic meter) and concentration daily ( 50 micrograms per cubic meter not to be exceeded more than 35 times in a calendar year) established since 2005, which can be overcome up to 35 times every twelve months. Under this law each state had to share their territory in several areas, and monitor the levels of pollution. The directive also authorized Member States that they needed to ask for further time to adjust to the new standards. The deadline could be postponed for three years (ie until June 2011) for complying with the standards for PM10 and a maximum of five years for nitrogen dioxide and benzene.
To obtain an extension it was necessary to demonstrate that they have taken reasonable steps to bring the values \u200b\u200bof fine particles under in 2011, and had prepared a recovery plan for air quality. After the first call, addressed to the ten Member States (Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden) that had not yet received any request for an extension, or had made requests for areas beyond the limits of PM10, Italy asked for a period of about 80 areas of 17 provinces and autonomous regions. The extensions were approved in some areas and rejected for most of the territories, which did not meet the conditions required by the Directive and which were not provided adequate safeguards in respect of the schedule. On 1 February 2010, the Commission ruled on the second extension request by Italy on 12 areas of Campania, Puglia and Sicily, passing a single request in Campania. On May 5, 2010, Italy has received the final reasoned opinion of the infringement procedure. This is the second and final written warning sent by the Commission, before the appeal to the Court of Justice in Luxembourg. Pending the trial, now Italy has until Dec. 31 to comply with the obligations and avoid penalties.
air quality, waste water treatment, energy efficiency of buildings: Italy is lagging behind in implementing European standards, as confirmed by the Brussels appeals to our country.
particulate emissions come mainly from industry, transport and domestic heating and can cause several health problems like asthma, cardiovascular problems and lung cancer. Member States - as did Italy, Cyprus, Portugal and Spain - can apply for an extension to come into compliance with these limits until June 30, 2011, subject however to comply with certain condizioni. I quattro Paesi hanno superato i valori massimi di Pm10 in molte zone dei rispettivi territori nazionali, senza predisporre adeguati piani contro l’inquinamento che avrebbero fruttato la proroga al 2011. Perciò la Commissione ha deciso di adottare il pugno di ferro. Il risanamento della qualità dell’aria potrebbe partire proprio dalle città italiane che rappresentano il terreno privilegiato per attivare processi di riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti e per combattere i cambiamenti climatici migliorando la qualità della vita dei cittadini. E’ urgente un piano di rilancio del trasporto pubblico, ferroviario in primis, con l’acquisto di nuovi treni per i pendolari. Bisogna attuare, in tutte le aree più densamente urbanizzate, an exceptional level of 100 new light rail, bus lanes with large protected with intelligent traffic lights at intersections, bus stops accessible, comfortable and sheltered. In this way you could take in a couple of years, hundreds of thousands of cars entering and circulating in the city and province, every day.
The official method of detection approved by the European Union and then by Italy (as well as the U.S. Environmental Agency), which is what gravity is to capture in a filter of Teflon, quartz or the glass fiber particles suspended in a given volume of air to then determine the weight by weighing manual. This technique allows determine the concentration by mass over volume (micrograms/m3) and is used for both PM10 and for PM2, 5.
The air is sampled through appropriate collection devices to select the size of the particles.
E 'can be measured PM10 using automated measurement systems with a certificate of equivalence with the reference method.
The automated measurement systems for PM10 using the most commonly used methodology based on the beta attenuation or attenuation of energy associated with an electron beam, which occurs as a result of dell'attraversamento a thin layer of material . Beta particles are emitted from a radioactive source of carbon-14 and detected by a Geiger counter. The measurement is done by measuring the absorption of beta radiation before and after the capture of suspended particles.

List by Member State of the areas where the limits are exceeded:

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The fifth report on the climate in Italy ISPRA shows the development in 2009 of the main climate indicators derived the National System for the collection, compilation and dissemination of climatological data of environmental interest (SCIA, ISPRA made in collaboration with the owners of the main bodies of data networking observation on the national territory. The meteorological data of temperature and precipitation were recorded from approximately 770 stations in the whole country: by testing it appears that 2009, like the three years that preceded it, was a year substantially warmer than average, with a ' mean anomaly of + 1.19 ° C compared to reference three decades 1961-1990.
"2009 was the eighteenth consecutive year with anomaly Thermal positive, with an average value for the country that is at fifth place in the period since 1961.
"Over the last eleven years with the exception of 2005, the positive anomaly in the average temperature in our country is was higher than the global average on the mainland by almost one degree (+0.76 ° C). As early as 2008, the highest value of average temperature anomaly was recorded in the northern regions (+1.44 ° C), followed by the Centre and +1.31 ° C +0.92 ° C in the South and the Islands. The monthly anomaly values \u200b\u200bwere positive in all months of the year except the months of December and February and October in the North and the Centre, the South and the Islands. May and August were the warmest months from the norm. "

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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With the agreement signed with Abi, we achieved a significant reduction of the redundancies announced initially. " The
says Secretary National Credit UGL, Fabio Verelli, adding that "in addition, through the use of sustainable solidarity contracts, will be safeguarded employment levels and balancing the accounts of the Association."
"However, we expect greater prudence in the management of resources - said the union - because of the difficult situation of ABI was also caused by years of questionable management decisions and not attentive to the rationalization of overheads."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Italy, with its 6,629 kilometers of highways, equal to 22 km per thousand km of land area, accounting for 9 , 2 per cent of the European motorway network. And 'what emerges from the report published by ISTAT.
The transport of goods by road have developed a traffic of about 180 billion tonne-km (year 2007), with a reduction of 4.1 per cent over the previous year.
The Italian railway network extends for 5.5 kilometers to one hundred kilometers of land area, with an average value of electrified network of about one hundred km to 3.9 km of surface (2010).
Il tasso di motorizzazione é passato da 501 autovetture ogni mille abitanti nel 1991 a 604 nel 2009, con un incremento medio annuo pari all'1 per cento, uno dei tassi piu' alti al mondo e il secondo nell'Ue.
Il 73,4 per cento degli studenti e l'88,2 per cento degli occupati utilizza un mezzo di trasporto per recarsi a scuola, all'università o al lavoro, soprattutto l'automobile (il 41,7 per cento degli studenti e il 74,6 degli occupati).
Il mezzo pubblico o collettivo è utilizzato soprattutto dagli studenti (32,6 per cento), molto meno dagli occupati (10,9 per cento). Nel 2009 circa 4.200 persone sono morte a seguito di un incidente stradale (70,4 per milione di capita), given a decline of more than 10 per cent compared to 2008.
Italy is the sixth European country to the volume of container traffic by sea (7.9 million TEUs, twenty feet equivalent unit) and the second carriage of passengers, with over 90 million passengers (year 2008).
Italy is the fifth largest in Europe for air passenger traffic, preceded by the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and France. These five countries, in aggregate, account for more than 70 percent of passengers the EU (year 2009). With
We Italy, Istat provides an overview of the various economic, social, demographic and environmental aspects of our Country, their place in the European context and regional differences that characterize it. The indicators, collected in 120 cards and distributed over 19 fields of interest, can be found in a rational fashion sectors and individual tabs, download to a spreadsheet, with further links on each page

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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comes a harsh response by the FISH (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps), the statements in the press of the President of INPS, Antonio Mastrapasqua, according to which the Institute "would work well, fighting the odious tax evasion and take the side of citizens. "
"President Mastrapasqua - replica but Federation, which is conducting a compelling campaign that are facing serious trouble Citizens with Disabilities in the field of assessment of disability - in stressing the "salvific role" INPS against the "scourge of the century", or "fake invalids", it looks good from commenting on the actual wreckage that lies ahead requires anyone today establish invalidity, a civil right which follow from the other strictly necessary to survive with dignity. "

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Sviluppo Italia Sicilia  ha incontrato   a Palermo lunedì 14 febbraio 2011 a  Palazzo d'Orleans,   il Coordinamento Aziendale Ugl Credito.
La delegazione (nella foto) Ugl  Credito  composta da  Francesco Marino, Antonino Miceli, Luciano Corsale, Corrado Di Vincenzo, Marianna De Santis e Filippo Virzì, ha ribadito al  Management la necessità di risolvere alcune problematiche di interesse per i dipendenti e che da tempo attendono delle risposte in ordine the following points:

1. Level II Agreement of 14 April 2010;

2. Business Organization;

3. Production Premium 2010;

4. Remodeling of the joint organization of work;

5. Tabular increases for the year 2011.

still scheduling other meetings will follow.
The Provincial Secretary of Palermo Filippo Virzi, took on the sidelines of the Board, a 'private meeting of presentation of the structure with the new President of UGL Development Italy Cleo Li Calzi.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Friday, February 11, 2011

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Joint Union "UniCredit" UGL

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- Ask for the card through the site
- Richiedi la card tramite fax (Scarica il modulo di richiesta card).
UGL è una delle Confederazioni sindacali maggiormente rappresentative. In continua crescita di consensi sostiene con forza una politica che sia di aiuto, ai lavoratori e pensionati. La confederazione raccoglie tutti i sindacati di categoria, alcuni dei quali, particolarmente sensibili al delicato momento economico hanno sottoscritto con Azienda amica un accordo a favore dei propri iscritti.
L’accordo prevede che agli iscritti Ugl delle sigle sindacali aderenti, ivi sotto riportate, venga rilasciata gratuitamente la “Amica Card” tramite la quale l’iscritto può godere di agevolazioni e sconti fino al 50% in throughout Italy.
Amica Card strengthens the purchasing power of consumers, creates a strong incentive to consumption and is a viable way out of recession.
Ask your on-line Company Amica card: an operator will send you free to drive home together "Circuit Conventions Company Amica" or alternatively fill out the form to be sent by fax to 02 26116583.
For more details please note that the new head of the conventions in Sicily for the UGL is Mr. John Damiani (mobile 3923215634), which you can only contact.


The Provincial Secretariat of Palermo

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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on 09 February was held at the premises of the URL in Sicily Via Tripoli No 11, the meeting referred to in the subject.
After extensive introductory discussion by the Secretary Manager, Philip Virzi, on issues concerning the organization of the Federation and the policies of city land, it turned to issues with wide-ranging discussion, relating Unicredit SpA Italy Sicily and Development.
Finally, the Secretary Manager, has announced the need for growth in the region in all these banks, which are subject to upcoming usability desige union and local leaders with the right permits union, now a limited number in relation to members .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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yesterday in the auditorium in Sirtori (LC) and the beginning of the course presentation. Thanks to the mayor and all 'Councillor Human Services, for having accepted our proposal. Both present for the welcome.
Cristina's friend, physical therapist during the week and become a mother for the second time, will be present later.
Paul and Anna have led us with posture exercises, eservizi positions for the arms and coppia, su una bellissima musica valzer lento, questo solo l'inizio di un bellissimo percorso.
Il prossimo appuntamento è per sabato 19 febbraio dalle 14.30 alle 17.
Non perdete questa occasione! Anna e gli insegnanti di ballo

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Stuttgart 21 . With a 20 year period for Realisation, the project provides the missing link in the European high-speed rail network and is the most structurally expressive of Ingenhoven’s projects. The station structure is a pressure-loaded cone structure with a ring beam that morphs the columns and roof into one element. These elements are like giant eyes that provide natural day lighting and ventilation. Ingenhoven claimed the project did not emit any CO² (part of the ‘zero energy’ target) but the most impressive aspect was the concept of harnessing the (sucking) airstream from the trains to naturally ventilate the station platforms and maintain an operational temperature of between 14-27ºC.

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