Italy, with its 6,629 kilometers of highways, equal to 22 km per thousand km of land area, accounting for 9 , 2 per cent of the European motorway network. And 'what emerges from the report published by ISTAT.
The transport of goods by road have developed a traffic of about 180 billion tonne-km (year 2007), with a reduction of 4.1 per cent over the previous year.
The Italian railway network extends for 5.5 kilometers to one hundred kilometers of land area, with an average value of electrified network of about one hundred km to 3.9 km of surface (2010).
Il tasso di motorizzazione é passato da 501 autovetture ogni mille abitanti nel 1991 a 604 nel 2009, con un incremento medio annuo pari all'1 per cento, uno dei tassi piu' alti al mondo e il secondo nell'Ue.
Il 73,4 per cento degli studenti e l'88,2 per cento degli occupati utilizza un mezzo di trasporto per recarsi a scuola, all'università o al lavoro, soprattutto l'automobile (il 41,7 per cento degli studenti e il 74,6 degli occupati).
Il mezzo pubblico o collettivo è utilizzato soprattutto dagli studenti (32,6 per cento), molto meno dagli occupati (10,9 per cento). Nel 2009 circa 4.200 persone sono morte a seguito di un incidente stradale (70,4 per milione di capita), given a decline of more than 10 per cent compared to 2008.
Italy is the sixth European country to the volume of container traffic by sea (7.9 million TEUs, twenty feet equivalent unit) and the second carriage of passengers, with over 90 million passengers (year 2008).
Italy is the fifth largest in Europe for air passenger traffic, preceded by the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and France. These five countries, in aggregate, account for more than 70 percent of passengers the EU (year 2009). With
We Italy, Istat provides an overview of the various economic, social, demographic and environmental aspects of our Country, their place in the European context and regional differences that characterize it. The indicators, collected in 120 cards and distributed over 19 fields of interest, can be found in a rational fashion sectors and individual tabs, download to a spreadsheet, with further links on each page
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