Fabio Verelli |
Il Sole 24 Ore reported today on the (presumed to us) "lack of space for the automatic wage increases linked to inflation expected".
A statement that we, frankly, in bad taste, after the responsible attitude shown repeatedly by the union, with a serious concerted policy has helped solve many problems in groups and banks, as you well know.
How will undoubtedly aware that his association has signed the Framework Agreement in January 2009 along with almost all the social partners, under the direction of an authoritative government that, objectively, is not really the last wagon wheel in a society of law which is ours.
Word of the banker is not the word of a king, we are aware, but there is a limit to everything and, therefore, expect compliance with agreements already made, especially to protect the dignity of three hundred thousand bank that despite the crisis, assist disgusted to stock options worth millions of your colleagues (which, incredibly, are ours too) and its regular outward against the high cost work and never against the stratospheric costs of a financial system that has upset the business relationships for the benefit of shareholders and its top management that is not exactly immune from blame for the difficulties that the sector is, even if their salaries if they do not circumspect.
No, dear President, you have the duty to respect and enforce the agreements made, has a duty to bring the category to new contract and accompany the whole system towards the revival and social sustainability.
on these issues did not concern, will support the construction of the union and the appreciation of the entire category.
Rome March 2, 2011
Fabio Verelli
National Secretary responsible
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