Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Is My Mom Having Mini Strokes

worms ...

la puntata si apre di notte con Venturi all'inseguimento dell'uomo orecchino che ha appena rapito una ragazza... arriva tardi (perchè gnappo deve finire la pizza) e perdono di vista la macchina: ma hanno un testimone! il quale inizialmente è tranquillo... dopo l'arrivo di Venturi entra sotto shock e non capisce + un cazzo...

the morning when everyone has had breakfast the sly res wakes and goes to the place of the kidnapping had a serataccia: back in fashion glasses! In this regard Gnappo wastes no time in doing the imitation of Top Gun with the carabbinieri Vj (who now applauds) Needless to say, it will crumble like a vampire in the sun after the lightning glance of her daughter ...

Unforgettable is the analysis of sexton on a corpse, "has 4 holes in the body ... and ... er ... 3 bullets to no this is not a bullet hole!" after this analysis and to make matters worse makes horrible jokes about sex

During the case of man found earring (?!?!)
insect larvae and Venturi took American wants to do to boost Grisson as CSI and instead of going out to dinner with Giorgia: invites you to watch the larvae grow with him ...
say that the phrase "I have worms" nellìelenco is outside the top 10 things women want to hear ... Giorgia
strangely goes away (if not late for his sex scene)

last thing worth mentioning is the undisputed star of the episode: the computer! which we call "the idiot brother of Neo ...

forget how sentences of this caliber:

1. "Hard drives today are fire-resistant" (Yes. .. shame that just a cell phone to demagnetize)
2. After connecting the HD to 2 "doubts" cables ... part screensaver matrix and against the ignorance of Gnappo whispering "but I see only a row of numbers ..." Neo (with a murderous glare) "Asppetta that encodes them ..." Neo, siditi, listen to an idiot: just drag a folder ...

conclude saying that Venturi runs like TJ Hooker and to erase the image of that kiss Gnappo Vj of the police officers I have to do two years of analysis


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