Sunday, September 26, 2010

Census 2010 Test Management

Tempo di pensare con la nostra testa

This phrase I heard yesterday. In fact, I heard yesterday. I was very careful to understand what this person was telling me and the phrase "it's time to think for themselves," I thundered inside. And 'the spirit of our civil list, good sentence be used as a slogan, but for us it's not just that. And 'what we ask people, let's us, we decide for our welfare. Decide for ourselves based on our needs and not for the desire of those who want to decide for us. The province, with the reform of the Community of the Valley, is giving us the opportunity to decide for us what is best for our development. We have to self-government for certain aspects. We can decide for ourselves. Do not leave it to some politician who is maybe somewhere far from here and who knows how far away from our problems and tell us what is the way forward.
far as I'm concerned, this is why I decided to nominate a civil list.
Voi che ne pensate?

Laura Bassi


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