Dear colleagues,
the end of 2010 has seen the accumulation of a series of commitments that unions have made it impossible adequately plan a meeting of the National Council, in spite of important issues discussion, however, partly addressed to the short routes with many of our leaders.
is understood that, as soon as possible, the Council will be meeting in Rome not only to analyze the scenario and the outlook for the sector, but also to deepen the Confederal new regulation recently approved by the Committee.
Together with the other Secretaries-General has decided to start immediately since the second half of November, the commission contract for defining the text of the platform of demands, partly because of lost time, since last summer onwards, with the agreement on freedom of association and the new fund to fund redundancies, however, still undefined.
addition, during the last month, the activities of the national federation has also been focused on proselytizing to stimulate the territories in view of the company's accounts in December, with satisfactory results.
Meanwhile, also in this period, focused meetings and conferences in ABI and Federcasse at the COVIP in the various Funds, and banking groups at Equitalia, together with a successful event in California with the presence, as well as mine, the president of the region and the province of Isernia, a member of parliament and the main square of federal and confederal Molise and all initiatives that have practically the overworked Our secretariat has also been implicated in a number of initiatives undertaken by the confederation.
Then, during the fourth quarter of 2010, the vital development action was necessary to combine fruitful work of propaganda and bargaining highlighted on the media scene with meaningful quotes in Il Sole 24 Ore and other newspapers, radio operations, besides a My interview on the occasion of the manifestation of Isernia, al TG3 RAI Molise ed altre due emittenti locali.
Impegni importanti, ai quali la classe dirigente del nostro sindacato ha saputo rispondere puntualmente e, ritengo, con professionalità, dimostrando che il penalizzante accordo del 7 luglio scorso non ha scalfito il nostro spirito di lotta e la nostra fede nel sindacalismo, nonostante le difficoltà che stiamo tutti affrontando per riequilibrare il numero dei dirigenti nominati ai nuovi criteri dello stesso accordo.
Ovviamente, non potremo non considerare, ai fini di una opportuna valorizzazione professionale, quei sindacalisti che si impegneranno a rispondere alle aspettative della sigla, alla luce del mutato scenario dei rapporti sindacali ed al conseguente sacrificio, sotto ogni punto di vista, che ne deriva.
Ai primi del 2011, comunque entro il primo trimestre, sicuramente si completerà il lavoro delle commissioni ed inizierà quello delle assemblee per l’approvazione della piattaforma contrattuale, assemblee che ci dovranno vedere protagonisti in tutti i capoluoghi di regione e nelle principali unità produttive, per arrivare, auspicabilmente, all’inizio della prossima estate, alle trattative presso l’associazione dei banchieri finalizzate a stilare il nuovo CCNL.
Pertanto, vi ringrazio per la consueta passione con cui quotidianamente interpretate il ruolo di rappresentanti dei lavoratori, o anche quello di semplici associati, nell’interesse della categoria e della UGL Credit; thank you also for the unity of purpose that you all have shown such a difficult time for the industry, the economic situation of the country and for our organization.
I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Fabio Verelli