Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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After a long wait of over a year and a half, therefore, it seems that the National Observatory on the Status of Persons with Disabilities - required by law with which Italy had ratified in early 2009 the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities - is about to start its work.
These days, in fact, the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs signed the decree that formally constitute the new body, indicating the names of forty people that comprise it, including fourteen from associations of people with disabilities.
task of the Centre, as is known, should be to protect, monitor and promote implementation dei princìpi sanciti dalla Convenzione ONU, ma anche dalla Legge Quadro sull'Handicap 104/92
Per leggere tutto l'articolo:
La nostra domanda inoltrata per partecipare all'osservatorio ancora una volta non è stata presa in considerazione. Il mio rammarico, le persone con esiti di poliomielite non rappresentate, in modo adeguato.
Leggo nella lista la Fish, la quale ha come aderente l'Aniep Nazionale, mi metterò in contatto la sig.ra Lia Fabbri.
Buona giornata! Anna


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