2009 is a year of difficult to interpret, to be considered for this year of transition. Certainly in 2009, specific events such as the decrease in the average price of fuel (in 2009 compared to 2008) and support the automobile industry through incentives for the purchase of cleaner vehicles have encouraged a modal shift in favor of four-wheel ".
In 2009, commuting by car increased by 4.1%, those in motorcycle and moped are decreased by -3.1% and then the passengers of urban public transport showed a more substantial decrease, equal to -5 , 4%. The decrease in passengers carried by public transport has resulted in a reduction in market share of the collective mode reduction from 12.6% in 2008 to 11, 6% in 2009. Losing ground also motocicli e ciclomotori (dall'8% al 7,5%). Nella nuova ripartizione modale, quindi è solo l'automobile a guadagnare quote di mercato, riportando l'asticella della propria posizione dominante oltre l'80% (80,8%, grossomodo al livello del 2007).
Molto diversificata la situazione se si guarda alla dimensione delle città: nei grandi centri urbani (oltre 250mila abitanti), il peso del trasporto collettivo scende nel 2009 di quasi due punti percentuali rispetto al 2007, assorbendo il 27,4% di tutti gli spostamenti motorizzati (il valore più basso registrato dal 2002). In termini di passeggeri trasportati i mezzi pubblici sperimentano una diminuzione del -3,3%. Il radicamento dei vettori collettivi nelle grandi urban areas remains undisputed: their incidence is more than twice the global average and more than seven times that recorded in cities with less than 100 thousand inhabitants in the great city, the car earns more or less than half the public loses amounted to a share of 61%, motorcycles down slightly to 11, 5% (11.8% in 2008) in the centers of small and medium-sized (less than 100 thousand inhabitants), public transport continued its descent losing a further 0.7% weight percent and attests that the modal share to a modest 3.3%. In smaller urban areas, the monopoly of the "four wheels" rises to 91.1%, while the two-wheel motorized record a share of 5.5% (lower than the overall average, but far superior to that of the bulk carrier).
good news for public transport instead come from the South, the only macro area in 2009 in contrast to the rest of the country for the use of public transport modal share in fact growing, and marginally (+1.3 percentage points) , amounting to 7%. Basically the car's weight stable (86%, the highest among the districts) and in the fall of the bike (7% versus 8% in 2008). A comeback that does not serve to eliminate the gap between public transport in the South of Italy with the rest of the country. The north west of the country remains largely one in which mobility group has greater penetration in urban environments with a total modal share of more than 20% (almost twice the average). In 2009, however, the recorded value of 20,8% is two percentage points lower than in 2008. The Northwest is also the only district where the braking of public transport has gone almost exclusively to the benefit of the bike (from 6.1% to 7.8%), rather than the car (from 71% to 71.4 %) in the North-East to confirm and reinforce the dominant use of personal vocation, especially the car (83.6% of all motorized travel, compared with 81, 4% in 2008). Lose weight but is by public transport (Share just under 10%), both two-wheel motor (6.5% versus 7.9% of 2008) in Central Italy there is the fall of the most striking modal share of public transport: 15, 4% in 2008 to 12.1% in 2009, a value slightly higher than the overall average. The car gained almost 4 percentage points and is approaching the threshold of 80% (78.9%), while the bike is traditionally very strong in this area especially for the 'Rome-effect ", it loses a bit' of weight (about one percentage point), but the market share of 9% remains the highest among all the regions.
Therefore, the setback of public transport in major urban areas is reflected in territorial constituencies further characterized by metropolitan poles, or the North-West (Milan, Turin, Genoa) and the Center (Rome, Florence). In the southern regions, however, the public transport recovers some places, even in major cities, is a positive sign, but the gap with the rest of the country is still enormous.
The perceived quality of public transport is inadequate. But beyond the injury, the quality of provision is objectively deficient, compared to the three pillars of the ubiquity of the service (frequency of service and land cover), the travel time (duration and regularity) and the comfort of the journey. On these dimensions affect management of the service more or less efficient and able to organize themselves on customer needs. It also affects the availability of public resources to support the amount of supply and renewal of rolling stock.
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