along the SS 434 "Transpolesana" village in Valais Oppeano are nearing completion of the work for the construction of noise barriers and integrated photovoltaic, a project of 5,385,000 €.
barriers insulated to a 1.7 km stretch of the residential energy producing 800,000 kWh per year.
They consist of a base, complete with supporting concrete foundation and piling buried about 2 meters in length, and a barrier structure, comprising a wall of exposed concrete and galvanized iron spars.
The blue noise barriers and height of 4.8 meters are recumbent on the top to allow, on the theory of sound propagation, refraction of sound waves. The photovoltaic panels will produce 800,000 kWh per year polysilicon energy and be active by the end of December to gain access to the benefits of "energy bill" currently in force. Work is proceeding in parallel with the wiring and electrification work for the construction of a new cab service to Enel of the barrier.
barriers, once completed will reduce noise by 90% to 20% depending on the distance and 50% of fine particles produced by cars and trucks traveling on the highway. The City has
the opportunity to acquire an annual fee of 3.1% of the proceeds as provided in the energy race - equivalent to about 12-14 thousand Euros per year. The proceeds of the dealer instead of the work will come from proceeds from the sale of electricity produced by the plant and from the proceeds of the incentive rate paid by the Manager of Energy Services (GSE).
At the end of the 20-year concession, during which the Directors may decide whether to implement the system, the property will revert to municipal ownership or, in case of need for decommissioning costs will be borne by the concessionaire.
along the Brenner highway, the height of Marano d'Isere, in the province of Trento, the noise barriers have been improved by including the photovoltaic panels.
In this way you get to obtain such a quantity of clean energy used for the needs of the motorway itself. The total peak power of the generator is given by 3846 modules with 185 Wp each, for a total of 712 KW and an annual production amounted to 680,000 kWh. To combine the need for good power generation efficiency and noise barrier panels were placed at two different angles, 35 ° and 60 °.
The total length of the barrier is 1041 meters and a height of 5.60 meters, giving a total surface area of \u200b\u200bphotovoltaic 4907mq. The energy produced in excess will be fed into the public via the medium voltage lines. A great achievement that combines the optimization of resources with the production of renewable energy development by ensuring a motorway with zero impact. Given the extension of the "solar field", the same has been divided into six sub-fields of power and almost the same length.
Regarding the electrical aspect, given the power generation, transmission and sale of energy produced to the same public network, is in line with medium voltage through the transformation of the field voltage from 230 V to 20,000 V.
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