Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Fabio Verelli
'E' positive renewal of the agreement between Unicredit and the province of Turin to the anticipation of redundancy payments for 2011, without interest, to workers residing in the province. " The
said Fabio Verelli, national secretary Ugl Credit, for whom "it is an important example of social function that banks should play, especially in a context of crisis, to support families and SMEs. Our hope is that - he added - by the banking system, there is a growing awareness and responsibility, in favor of support measures that make a real credit growth engine of the national economy. "

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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Il Ministero per la Pubblica Amministrazione ed Innovazione, Dipartimento Funzione Pubblica ha emanato una propria circolare: “Modifiche alla disciplina in materia di permessi per l'assistenza alle persone con disabilità - banca dati informatica presso il Dipartimento della funzione pubblica - legge 4 novembre 2010, n. 183, art. 24.”
Circolare 13/2010:

Friday, December 24, 2010

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The A-bike is the search for Legambiente who investigated the situation of soft mobility in the Italian cities, ranked the centers a measure of the cyclist. In town there is a growing desire to travel by bicycle, especially in the metropolis, and also grow bicycle paths that have reached the 2009 record of 3,227 kilometers (about 380 km and 730 km more than in 2008 over 2007). Despite
between 2000 and today the extension of urban Italian cycling is almost tripled over the same period the percentage of urban trips by bicycle - calculated on the total number of movements - has remained the same: it was 3.8% in 2000 3.8% now. This means that it is not sufficient to increase the miles of bike paths to encourage pedestrian but serves a range of interventions designed to integrate different modes of movement favoring those with low impact. These include the increase in 30kmh zones, restricted traffic zones, isole pedonali, cunette, dossi e altri limitatori di velocità delle automobili accompagnati da una semplice e chiara segnaletica orizzontale e verticale, che riducano l’intensità degli ingorghi e accrescano la sicurezza di pedoni e ciclisti. Un sondaggio realizzato da Isfort nel 2007 sottolinea infatti che tanti di quelli che oggi non usano la bicicletta lo farebbero se potessero disporre di una rete di percorsi ciclabili che attraversa le città (26,3%) e se ci fosse meno traffico e quindi una maggiore sicurezza per la viabilità ciclistica (15,6%), verso una nuova cultura della mobilità urbana.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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By Decree 12948 of 10/12/2010 were approved procedures for granting assistance for the purchase of technologically advanced tools in the art. 4, paragraphs 4 and 5 of Regional Law 23/99 "Regional Policies for Families"

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Dear colleagues,
the end of 2010 has seen the accumulation of a series of commitments that unions have made it impossible adequately plan a meeting of the National Council, in spite of important issues discussion, however, partly addressed to the short routes with many of our leaders.
is understood that, as soon as possible, the Council will be meeting in Rome not only to analyze the scenario and the outlook for the sector, but also to deepen the Confederal new regulation recently approved by the Committee.
Together with the other Secretaries-General has decided to start immediately since the second half of November, the commission contract for defining the text of the platform of demands, partly because of lost time, since last summer onwards, with the agreement on freedom of association and the new fund to fund redundancies, however, still undefined.
addition, during the last month, the activities of the national federation has also been focused on proselytizing to stimulate the territories in view of the company's accounts in December, with satisfactory results.
Meanwhile, also in this period, focused meetings and conferences in ABI and Federcasse at the COVIP in the various Funds, and banking groups at Equitalia, together with a successful event in California with the presence, as well as mine, the president of the region and the province of Isernia, a member of parliament and the main square of federal and confederal Molise and all initiatives that have practically the overworked Our secretariat has also been implicated in a number of initiatives undertaken by the confederation.
Then, during the fourth quarter of 2010, the vital development action was necessary to combine fruitful work of propaganda and bargaining highlighted on the media scene with meaningful quotes in Il Sole 24 Ore and other newspapers, radio operations, besides a My interview on the occasion of the manifestation of Isernia, al TG3 RAI Molise ed altre due emittenti locali.
Impegni importanti, ai quali la classe dirigente del nostro sindacato ha saputo rispondere puntualmente e, ritengo, con professionalità, dimostrando che il penalizzante accordo del 7 luglio scorso non ha scalfito il nostro spirito di lotta e la nostra fede nel sindacalismo, nonostante le difficoltà che stiamo tutti affrontando per riequilibrare il numero dei dirigenti nominati ai nuovi criteri dello stesso accordo.
Ovviamente, non potremo non considerare, ai fini di una opportuna valorizzazione professionale, quei sindacalisti che si impegneranno a rispondere alle aspettative della sigla, alla luce del mutato scenario dei rapporti sindacali ed al conseguente sacrificio, sotto ogni punto di vista, che ne deriva.
Ai primi del 2011, comunque entro il primo trimestre, sicuramente si completerà il lavoro delle commissioni ed inizierà quello delle assemblee per l’approvazione della piattaforma contrattuale, assemblee che ci dovranno vedere protagonisti in tutti i capoluoghi di regione e nelle principali unità produttive, per arrivare, auspicabilmente, all’inizio della prossima estate, alle trattative presso l’associazione dei banchieri finalizzate a stilare il nuovo CCNL.
Pertanto, vi ringrazio per la consueta passione con cui quotidianamente interpretate il ruolo di rappresentanti dei lavoratori, o anche quello di semplici associati, nell’interesse della categoria e della UGL Credit; thank you also for the unity of purpose that you all have shown such a difficult time for the industry, the economic situation of the country and for our organization.
I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Fabio Verelli

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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to the Center of prosthesis Inail Vigorso Budrio and hospital Villa Beretta Costa Masnaga is experienced in 12 patients.
Molteni: "It will be marketed by the end of 2011. But beware: not a solution for all"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Italia1 Last night on the transmission of Mark Berry. Three wonderful stories.
Roberto Bruzzone has always been a lover of sports, especially boxing, but six years fa un incidente in moto gli cambia la vita per sempre.
Simone Atzori, ballerina e pittrice senza braccia.
Beatrice Vio, a causa di una setticemia in seguito a una meningite, ha subito l’amputazione delle braccia sotto i gomiti e delle gambe. ‘Bebe’ una mini campionessa di scherma
Una sfida da vincere per raggiungere nuovi traguardi: obiettivi mai pensati, che ora rappresentano una valida ragione di vita. Berry, con la grande umanità che lo contraddistingue, senza alcuna retorica, racconterà le loro storie e la loro forza d’animo, accompagnando lo spettatore in un emozionante viaggio tra vita e rinascita.

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Rome, December 21 - (Adnkronos) -''The draft agreement on contractual arrangements and the rules for a sustainable contract released today by ABI and the unions' disappointing.''
was stated in a note national secretary Ugl Credit, Fabio Verelli, the end of the meeting today at the headquarters Abi, showing how ''the document does not mention the social role that banks should
have, not open to the participation and considers the work a cost that hampers the development and competitiveness' of the sector.
our part - added - we have stressed the need 'to raise a fund of solidarity ', an important social safety net for the sector, which ABI does not seem to want more' to use 'cause
considered expensive.''
''Verelli-The meeting concluded, could be an opportunity to discuss excessive salaries of managers and development of staff at a stage where many banking groups are presenting major business plans.''

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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along the SS 434 "Transpolesana" village in Valais Oppeano are nearing completion of the work for the construction of noise barriers and integrated photovoltaic, a project of 5,385,000 €.
barriers insulated to a 1.7 km stretch of the residential energy producing 800,000 kWh per year.
They consist of a base, complete with supporting concrete foundation and piling buried about 2 meters in length, and a barrier structure, comprising a wall of exposed concrete and galvanized iron spars.
The blue noise barriers and height of 4.8 meters are recumbent on the top to allow, on the theory of sound propagation, refraction of sound waves. The photovoltaic panels will produce 800,000 kWh per year polysilicon energy and be active by the end of December to gain access to the benefits of "energy bill" currently in force. Work is proceeding in parallel with the wiring and electrification work for the construction of a new cab service to Enel of the barrier.
barriers, once completed will reduce noise by 90% to 20% depending on the distance and 50% of fine particles produced by cars and trucks traveling on the highway. The City has
the opportunity to acquire an annual fee of 3.1% of the proceeds as provided in the energy race - equivalent to about 12-14 thousand Euros per year. The proceeds of the dealer instead of the work will come from proceeds from the sale of electricity produced by the plant and from the proceeds of the incentive rate paid by the Manager of Energy Services (GSE).
At the end of the 20-year concession, during which the Directors may decide whether to implement the system, the property will revert to municipal ownership or, in case of need for decommissioning costs will be borne by the concessionaire.

along the Brenner highway, the height of Marano d'Isere, in the province of Trento, the noise barriers have been improved by including the photovoltaic panels.
In this way you get to obtain such a quantity of clean energy used for the needs of the motorway itself. The total peak power of the generator is given by 3846 modules with 185 Wp each, for a total of 712 KW and an annual production amounted to 680,000 kWh. To combine the need for good power generation efficiency and noise barrier panels were placed at two different angles, 35 ° and 60 °.
The total length of the barrier is 1041 meters and a height of 5.60 meters, giving a total surface area of \u200b\u200bphotovoltaic 4907mq. The energy produced in excess will be fed into the public via the medium voltage lines. A great achievement that combines the optimization of resources with the production of renewable energy development by ensuring a motorway with zero impact. Given the extension of the "solar field", the same has been divided into six sub-fields of power and almost the same length.
Regarding the electrical aspect, given the power generation, transmission and sale of energy produced to the same public network, is in line with medium voltage through the transformation of the field voltage from 230 V to 20,000 V.

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Un bellissimo calendario per sensibilizzare il diritto alla cura dei malati di sclerosi multiopla.

Friday, December 10, 2010

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was held in Palermo on 10/12/2010 meeting of all staff Italy Sicily convened by the Development Credit Ugl RSA.
The same was held simultaneously in Catania.

segenti points were discussed:
business organization
variable pay
joint working hours

hannn delegation participated in the RSA Secretary Franco Marino, Antonino Miceli provincial leaders, the Head Structure Ugl Franco Sicilia Fasola and Head of the Provincial Secretary Philip Virzì bank.
The Assembly has announced the upcoming meeting with President Belluardo of 22/12/2010, which will also be discussed during the new organizational structure.

Valentina Corrao

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Il 9 novembre 2010 è stata pubblicata il Gazzetta Ufficiale la Legge 183/2010 (il cosiddetto Collegato Lavoro) che contiene nuove disposizioni sui permessi lavorativi a favore dei dipendenti che assistono familiari con handicap grave. L’articolo 24 modifica, infatti, la Legge 104/1992 che, in origine, ha introdotto quelle agevolazioni.
L’INPS, l’Istituto previdenziale che assicura gran parte dei lavoratori privati, ha prontamente diramato le proprie disposizioni con una specifica e articolata Circolare (3 dicembre 2010, n. 155).
Per leggere tutto:
Circolare Inps n. 155 del 3 dicembre 2010:

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After a long wait of over a year and a half, therefore, it seems that the National Observatory on the Status of Persons with Disabilities - required by law with which Italy had ratified in early 2009 the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities - is about to start its work.
These days, in fact, the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs signed the decree that formally constitute the new body, indicating the names of forty people that comprise it, including fourteen from associations of people with disabilities.
task of the Centre, as is known, should be to protect, monitor and promote implementation dei princìpi sanciti dalla Convenzione ONU, ma anche dalla Legge Quadro sull'Handicap 104/92
Per leggere tutto l'articolo:
La nostra domanda inoltrata per partecipare all'osservatorio ancora una volta non è stata presa in considerazione. Il mio rammarico, le persone con esiti di poliomielite non rappresentate, in modo adeguato.
Leggo nella lista la Fish, la quale ha come aderente l'Aniep Nazionale, mi metterò in contatto la sig.ra Lia Fabbri.
Buona giornata! Anna

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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This was the most significant Report 2010 on mobility in Italy , Research annual Isfort Asstra and that provides the precise state of the art photography market mobility country. After three years of uninterrupted growth, the basic indicators of consumption of mobility have scored between 2008 and 2009, a -2.1% in the number of trips and a -8.2% in terms of distance traveled (passenger * km) .

2009 is a year of difficult to interpret, to be considered for this year of transition. Certainly in 2009, specific events such as the decrease in the average price of fuel (in 2009 compared to 2008) and support the automobile industry through incentives for the purchase of cleaner vehicles have encouraged a modal shift in favor of four-wheel ".
In 2009, commuting by car increased by 4.1%, those in motorcycle and moped are decreased by -3.1% and then the passengers of urban public transport showed a more substantial decrease, equal to -5 , 4%. The decrease in passengers carried by public transport has resulted in a reduction in market share of the collective mode reduction from 12.6% in 2008 to 11, 6% in 2009. Losing ground also motocicli e ciclomotori (dall'8% al 7,5%). Nella nuova ripartizione modale, quindi è solo l'automobile a guadagnare quote di mercato, riportando l'asticella della propria posizione dominante oltre l'80% (80,8%, grossomodo al livello del 2007).

Molto diversificata la situazione se si guarda alla dimensione delle città: nei grandi centri urbani (oltre 250mila abitanti), il peso del trasporto collettivo scende nel 2009 di quasi due punti percentuali rispetto al 2007, assorbendo il 27,4% di tutti gli spostamenti motorizzati (il valore più basso registrato dal 2002). In termini di passeggeri trasportati i mezzi pubblici sperimentano una diminuzione del -3,3%. Il radicamento dei vettori collettivi nelle grandi urban areas remains undisputed: their incidence is more than twice the global average and more than seven times that recorded in cities with less than 100 thousand inhabitants in the great city, the car earns more or less than half the public loses amounted to a share of 61%, motorcycles down slightly to 11, 5% (11.8% in 2008) in the centers of small and medium-sized (less than 100 thousand inhabitants), public transport continued its descent losing a further 0.7% weight percent and attests that the modal share to a modest 3.3%. In smaller urban areas, the monopoly of the "four wheels" rises to 91.1%, while the two-wheel motorized record a share of 5.5% (lower than the overall average, but far superior to that of the bulk carrier).

good news for public transport instead come from the South, the only macro area in 2009 in contrast to the rest of the country for the use of public transport modal share in fact growing, and marginally (+1.3 percentage points) , amounting to 7%. Basically the car's weight stable (86%, the highest among the districts) and in the fall of the bike (7% versus 8% in 2008). A comeback that does not serve to eliminate the gap between public transport in the South of Italy with the rest of the country. The north west of the country remains largely one in which mobility group has greater penetration in urban environments with a total modal share of more than 20% (almost twice the average). In 2009, however, the recorded value of 20,8% is two percentage points lower than in 2008. The Northwest is also the only district where the braking of public transport has gone almost exclusively to the benefit of the bike (from 6.1% to 7.8%), rather than the car (from 71% to 71.4 %) in the North-East to confirm and reinforce the dominant use of personal vocation, especially the car (83.6% of all motorized travel, compared with 81, 4% in 2008). Lose weight but is by public transport (Share just under 10%), both two-wheel motor (6.5% versus 7.9% of 2008) in Central Italy there is the fall of the most striking modal share of public transport: 15, 4% in 2008 to 12.1% in 2009, a value slightly higher than the overall average. The car gained almost 4 percentage points and is approaching the threshold of 80% (78.9%), while the bike is traditionally very strong in this area especially for the 'Rome-effect ", it loses a bit' of weight (about one percentage point), but the market share of 9% remains the highest among all the regions.

Therefore, the setback of public transport in major urban areas is reflected in territorial constituencies further characterized by metropolitan poles, or the North-West (Milan, Turin, Genoa) and the Center (Rome, Florence). In the southern regions, however, the public transport recovers some places, even in major cities, is a positive sign, but the gap with the rest of the country is still enormous.

The perceived quality of public transport is inadequate. But beyond the injury, the quality of provision is objectively deficient, compared to the three pillars of the ubiquity of the service (frequency of service and land cover), the travel time (duration and regularity) and the comfort of the journey. On these dimensions affect management of the service more or less efficient and able to organize themselves on customer needs. It also affects the availability of public resources to support the amount of supply and renewal of rolling stock.

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Some of the results obtained from the survey that Altroconsumo recently carried out on supply, quality and satisfaction of public transport in Italy, through five thousand interviews for citizens who use the urban transport (bus, tram, metro, etc..) in 12 of the main Italian cities, accompanied by numbers explain the context in which we live.

1. Each of us loses an average of about 227 hours in the queue each year;
2. Each family bears a charge for the car, which varies between 2000 and 5000 € per year;
3. Italian motorization rate is among the highest in the world (598 cars per 1000 inhabitants);
4. the time to replace the cars fell from about 8-10 years to around 3-4 years;
5. the sum of all Italian metropolitan amounts to 161 km (Paris and Madrid than 200 km from the sun in London over 400);
6. only 11, 6% of all trips in the city is by public transport (you get to 47% in Milan ed al 32% a Roma, ma si è lontani da Parigi, Madrid e Barcellona, che superano tutte il 60%);
7. il 30% di chi usa i mezzi pubblici dichiara – paradossalmente – di usarli perchè “mancano i parcheggi per le auto”.

Nell’indagine emerge una bassa soddisfazione per chi usa i mezzi pubblici, che però deriva da diverse cause. Non è peraltro difficile immaginare una situazione diversa e migliore: basta seguire gli esempi delle città più virtuose, che in Europa non mancano. Sempre Altroconsumo segnala in particolare i casi seguenti:
1. A Friburgo (220.000 abitanti) sono in vigore da anni politiche di forte restrizione del centro al private traffic. 90% of residents live in areas with low traffic. 70% of journeys are made on foot, by bike or by public transport. There are 400 km of cycle paths and over 4600 parking spaces for cyclists.
2. In Malmo (280,000 inhabitants) there is a neighborhood where travel only pedestrians, bikes eg buses (which are also powered by biogas produced from organic waste, and without burning a single drop of fossil fuels - oil or natural gas). Only 35% of households own a car (unless the other make use or car sharing).
3. In Paris it was possible to reduce traffic by 20% in just two years to create an integrated transport system consisting of buses, metro, trains, car sharing and bike sharing (with 1,360 service stations and over 20,000 bike, always available).
4. Local public transport in areas with low demand is often absent or toilets with low frequency, and therefore unattractive and used. However, organizational and technological innovations of recent years permit the construction of service models with good flexibility, which make public transport more attractive in areas with low demand.

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With an Expo theme of “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, the Herzog & de Meuron master plan deliberately makes a paradigm shift away from the monumental buildings (eg. Eiffel Tower, 1889) or big pointy towers (eg. Space Needle) that characterise past Expos;
To this end, we want to reverse the notion of a monumentality that is associated with physical impact and instead offer a vision of landscape that is monumental in its fragility and natural beauty. [Herzog & de Meuron, architect's statement]
Described by the architects as a “reinterpreted urban agricultural landscape” the design reminds me of the classic Italian gardens analysed in the book “Green Architecture & The Agrarian Garden” (Barbara Stauffacher Solomon, 1988) that made such an impact on me when I studied landscape architecture. At first glance, the scheme looks like it could be for an anonymous new city in the Middle East but on closer inspection it reflects some romantic elements of Italian cities – Venetian canals and picturesque agrarian scenes in Tuscany – that sit within a rigourous urban structure.
The design is organised around a 1.4 kilometre long boulevard about the scale of the Ramblas in Barcelona or parts of the Champs Elysées in Paris. In the tradition of Roman cities, this primary axis intersects a secondary boulevard that connects the Expo site to the city fabric. A series of strips (perhaps recalling furrows in a field) covered by shade sails cut across the boulevard axis and define the building sites for all the national pavilions. By arranging these strips perpendicular to the axis, each country has an equal frontage or representation at the Expo – despite the varying lengths and topography. Water frames the site in way that recalls the waterways of Venice (check out the boats!), provides sustainability benefits (in part a constructed wetland) as well as way to move around the Expo by boat.
Interestingly, Herzog & de Meuron’s bold concept for the 2015 Expo is not exactly their first. In fact, the origins of their de Young Museum (2005) in San Francisco stem from the California Midwinter International Exposition of 1894 as the original building was severely damaged by a 1989 earthquake.
In essence, the design for Expo Milan 2015 by Herzog & de Meuron is an urban landscape design framework that provides a monumental yet sustainable approach for an event such as an Expo. Whether or not it makes a long term environmental contribution to the city of Milan, will be revealed in the fullness time as the concept has lofty aspirations;
Just like nature, the Expo will also change over time… it will have provided a foundation for flexible and sustainable development in the entire region, ultimately redefining our long-term approach to the worldwide production of foodstuffs. [Herzog & de Meuron, architect's statement]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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The Swedish architect Tham Mans has developed an interesting solar highway proposal for Los Angeles, USA. The project explores how architectural design could change the role and typical narrative structures for highways, and although it was created especially for Los Angeles could be applied worldwide. The architect stated in this caso, la abundancia de sol característica de esta ciudad; realidad que ya ha sido valorada por el alcalde de la ciudad en su programa solar.
Este programa incentiva a sus habitantes a instalar paneles solares sobre sus casas, y también sobre edificios públicos y de estacionamientos. Pero también contempla la construcción de la Central Eléctrica Ivanpah en el desierto de Mohave en las afueras de la ciudad, que podría generar un máximo de 500 MW para LA.
Es por eso que parece muy sensato aprovechar los 800 kilómetros de autopistas existentes en el área en favor de este programa energético. De esta forma, Mans Tham busca incorporar nuevos usos sustentables a las extensas infraestructuras ya existentes. Su propuesta considered a great cover formed by solar panels, in addition to generating clean energy for the city, provides shade to the road, reducing the need for air conditioning in hot weather and UV degradation of paved surfaces. It also reduces highway noise to surrounding residential areas. The "Solar Serpent" extends to 24 kilometers above the Santa Monica Freeway that is 40 meters wide. This extension makes a power plant project in itself. Compared with the control Ivanpah, could generate up to 115 MW for the city.
The project also reuses the large amount of CO2 produced for implantation Highway linear algae farms that can produce green fuel products. This could revitalize areas near the road, now degraded and deliver work to their inhabitants.

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Seeking a design solution to the water Increasing Shortage in the Sudan, Polish firm Architecture UGO (previously H3AR) Have Proposed to building Formally That Marries access to and storage of underground toilets with a building inspired by a traditional water tower and Also by the symbol of the African savanna - the baobab.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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La Giornata Onu dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità è indetta dall'ONU il 3 dicembre di ogni anno ed "ha lo scopo di mettere in risalto l'interdipendenza tra i diritti delle persone con disabilità e lo sviluppo della società; affinché vengano perseguiti gli obiettivi di crescita sociale, è necessaria la reale partecipazione delle persone con disabilità".